How Virtual Events Can Ease Coronavirus (COVID-19) Impact

Northern California is starting to feel the impact from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) with corporate events, large and small, making the decision to either stay on the schedule, or pull the plug for the emerging health and safety concerns.
The travel ban restrictions alone are making some events not only suffer in attendance, but even stop key speakers from being able to deliver their message to their companies in person. It seems that until the public safety issue is under control, we may keep seeing the cancellation of large group gatherings.
Enter the technical solution. (one we do very well here at VIP Audio Visual Company in Pleasanton, CA.) Using live streaming capabilities, we can make sure the message is shared remotely eliminating the need to gather all hands at one central location.
Considering a fully digital experience is the path many top companies have already embraced. Salesforce just announced a completely web based event for their World Tour Sydney scheduled for March 4, 2020. It seems almost inevitable that the connectivity of the world is going to carry companies into the virtual arena. Now however it's been given a rather strong push from the coronavirus, and will certainly emerge faster than anyone expected.
The next few months will tell us all how important this tech will be in our company model, but now is the time to collect the information that will help you survive this, and other possible influences, in the future. A few key points to consider:
Price: The cost effective nature of streaming is appealing to most companies versus the conference setting.
Outreach: The number of people in an online engagement is always going to be higher and will generate a reference point for future employees, media specialists, and event planners that already use the web as their most powerful tool.
Environmental Impact: The less travel needed, the smaller the carbon footprint. That's a win for all. California has long proven its commitment to sustainability.
Health: As this threat has put us all on alert, the virtual meeting reduces the possibility of become ill, thus allowing more frequent gatherings, and less people falling sick.

With various ways to connect like virtual meetings, live streaming, online networking, session collaboration, live polling, and even mobile app events, you want a trusted partner in the process. In 2019, VIP Audio Visual Company handled hundreds of successful streaming events. We have the latest tech, the skillset, and the experts, to help guide any company into flawless web based conferences.
While we don't know what the future holds for us regarding the corona virus, we do know that there is a powerful work-around available to keep companies moving. This tool has been sharpened by the tech boom and is ready as a deliverable now. I think it is time to make sure the corporate world is equipped with this exciting alternative.
Feel free to contact me or my staff at VIP Audio Visual Company for more information but above all be safe out there. Wash your hands, stay home if you're sick, and let's get back to live events as soon as we can. We truly love doing our onsite conferences and corporate events, but we also understand the current need for a web based solution. As we continue to be the most trusted name in audio visual, this is a great way to get to know our services if you haven't already worked with us.

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